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lien 13.06.2017 20:15 
Sujet: как эти два фрагмента перевести? génér.
I'm certain every single man-jack of that demographic was on the Thames already with the rest of their Rotary Club, chasing the Queen in 999 smaller, crappier, even-less-televisually-interesting boats, through choppy, effluent-laden, grey waters, chomping back picnic-basket pork fancies.

1 - chomping back picnic-basket pork fancies

"Look! Some of these boats have hanging baskets on them!" said Huw in tones of pant-scorching glee.

2 - pant-scorching glee


lien 13.06.2017 22:11 
It's a UK text about (I think) the 2012 celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's coronation. A pageant was held on the Thames in which the Royal Family sailed up the river in an old rowing boat, followed by a flotilla of 100s of small boats.

* 'to chomp (sth)' = to chew large amounts of food noisily.
* 'to chomp (sth) back' = to chew large amounts of food noisily and swallow them.
* 'pork fancies': not sure, except that it's obviously some type of food/snack.
* 'picnic-basket' (adjective) = of the type and size you'd pack for a picnic.
* 'pant-scorching glee': I suspect (but am not certain) that this is a term the author's invented, where 'to scorch one's pants' means 'to leave a 'burn' mark (brown stain) in one's underpants due to hot-farting'. If so he's probably saying that the man was so excited that he/others around him were farting.

The article's obviously written by someone who isn't a fan of the Royal Family and is ridiculing the flotilla and those who took part in it.


lien 13.06.2017 22:30 
Huw = Huw Edwards (BBC anchorman on the day), многие его терпеть не могут за... скажем так, за несколько снисходительную манеру общения в эфире, как добрая тётя-воспитательница в интернате для альтернативно одаренных... (автор текста явно не входит в число его фанатов)

"Вы только посмотрите! На некоторых лодочках даже корзиночки с цветочками!" -захлебываясь умилением, провозгласил Хью.

(если нужно жестче и/или сохранить тему нижнего белья, то вспомните про "радости полные штаны")


lien 13.06.2017 22:39 
+ I seem to remember that Fortnum's produced a special Jubilee pork-pie (among other overpriced stuff in their special "Diamond Range" or whatever it was called), perhaps here the author alludes to this "quintessentially British" picnic fare.


lien 13.06.2017 23:04 
Спасибо за подробные ответы johnstephenson и Shumov!


lien 13.06.2017 23:20 
Ah, so it's Mr Edwards? Also the BBC's always been very pro-monarchy. They stopped showing deference towards politicians from around the 1960s onwards, but for some reason their attitude towards the royals has hardly changed over the same period. I've never understood why.


lien 13.06.2017 23:23 
Shumov: Didn't write the article, did you? Just wondered....


lien 13.06.2017 23:39 
Re Mr Edwards - it was an educated guess, so to say.

Re article - Nope. Didn't even read it!

As for BBC's attitude towards the Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha lot, it's a safe and aww-guaranteed subject that the mythical Great British Public cannot ever tire of. (Also remember the Royal Charter).


lien 13.06.2017 23:54 
Yes, fairy tales make for good TV and big audiences, don't they? People started seeing through politicians decades ago, but for some reason most of them still believe in Queenie & Co. I'm not a royalist particularly, but I'd rather have one of the Windsors as my head of state than a bloody politician -- from any party!


lien 14.06.2017 0:11 
They do a fairly good job and provide some quality entertainment now and then, so why not? As for the head of state... I'd rather have (and keep!) my own head. :)


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